I'm baaaaaack, lovely blog readers! It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer. That was rhetorical.
We had a very quiet I'd Like to Share event this month, but there are a couple nominated posts, and hopefully we'll have a bigger participation throughout December. (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S DECEMBER ALREADY.)
In Miscellaneous..
Gwyn May nominated Grace for On Christmastime Crafting
In Inspirational...
Maddie Rose nominated Petie for... an untitled post!
I was going to nominate a post, too, since I try to do so every month, but I'm still getting caught up in all the posts I missed during my write-and-read-a-thon in November, so I'll have to nominate one for December instead. Taking my Internet hiatus (minus a couple of cheats here and there, ahem) was really great, but I'm happy to be back on Blogger once again. And I'm quite excited about the content here on YAPDB for December, so stay tuned for movie reviews and randomness and a guest appearance on someone else's blog, okay? Stay warm and merry Christmastime!
(What? Thanksgiving's officially over. IT IS NOW CHRISTMAS.)
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