{{Title is a quote from one of my favorite books, and I will hug you if you can name the book. In this post we bring you little letters in an attempt to Get Caught Up on All the Stuff Happening Around Here.}}
You came and went in what seemed just a blink this year... griefies, slow things down a bit next time, okay? Having the celebration at our house for the first time in eight years was fun, though I missed being at Grandmom's... but thanks for reminding me that new traditions have to start somewhere. (And having Grandmom and Aunt Miriam come here helped tremendously with that. :D)
Dear Lark Rise to Candleford,
Thanks for being even MORE addicting on my second viewing. Seriously. Anne-girl and I have begun to regard Tuesday nights as the highlight of our week.
Dear Tea of Any Kind, But Especially White Mandarin Orange,
I love you. *blows kisses*
Dear Phantom of the Opera RAH Album,
I'm really trying not to play you over and over and over again because there's a small chance I might get tired of you, but sheesh, you're just gorgeousness. *puts Entr'acte on repeat*
Dear Jeanne Birdsall,
I'm terrifically excited about the new Penderwicks book, but what's up with only having Batty and Ben's perspective??? Aren't we going to hear from Skye and Jane? And if Jeffrey doesn't make at least several appearances, I am going to be one very disgruntled fan. (Still love your work, though.)
Dear Christine Daae's Dressing Gown,
I'm finally making a replica of you and I'm sorta scared and I'm sorta proud-- er, excited-- and I think it's going to be harder than it looks, but I also think it's going to be fun. Please don't be too complicated, and thank you for being on sale (your materials, that is).
Dear People Who Recommended Books to Me in October,
I am in your debt. SO MUCH. I have such a loverly stack of new books to read, and more that I haven't even ordered from the library yet. Nine Coaches Waiting and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society were two of the best books I've read this year. Book sharing is the greatest, isn't it? In that vein...
Dear People Who Love Books in General,
In January I'm planning to launch a series of monthly interviews with fellow literary lovers... a bookish chat in which we discuss favorite books in a variety of genres. This blog ostensibly revolves around period movies, but lately I've been feeling that books deserve to have just as much focus put on them, don't you agree? And in the vein of new stuff on the blog...
Dear Everyone Who Reads YAPDB,
I'm really excited to announce that I'm beginning a new feature this month, too-- but I'm not going to tell you what it is until Friday, when it gets unveiled. All I'll tell you is that it has to do with Jane Austen and homeschooling and humor, and I like it a lot, and I think you guys will too.
Dear Same People,
(This could have been included in the previous note but I like to keep subjects separate.) I'm also super excited because I have another announcement coming out next week... on Wednesday, to be specific, so stay tuned. (And a dear friend of mine has a similar one... so I'd tell you to check her blog too except I'm being all cryptic and mysterious and not telling you who she is so... just stay tuned around here. *swirls cape*)
{{And the post ends with a cute warm-ish fuzzyish picture of William and Peggy.}}
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