If you read my blog with any kind of regularity, you're probably aware of the fact that I'm... uh... a bit of a fangirl. To name just a few of my fanships, I have a rather strong fondness for a certain author named Jane Austen (and classic literature in general), a bit of an affinity to a certain book &c. known as Les Miserables (the &c. stands for the musical and the movie, of course), a slightly gushy liking for a musical called Phantom of the Opera (and musical theatre in general, too-- shows, performers whose initials are Aaron Tveit, the works), an admiration for a series about The Scarlet Pimpernel (and especially the 1982 movie), a passion for Sherlock Holmes mysteries (plus a mounting desire to see the BBC show), and a great interest in P.G Wodehouse's novels (particularly those of the Jeeves variety, along with the BBC show).
And though you may not realize it, my liking for all those things listed above (well, except Jane Austen... ahemmmmmmmmm) are at least partially the fault of one person. Because this one person either introduced me to each of those passions or fueled my love of them. (Can't forget, won't regret, what I did for loooooove...)
You're probably getting quite curious as to who this is, aren't you? (Motel, who IS it?)
Who is it? It's me, Reb Tevye.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the woman whom you can blame for a great deal of my gushing here on YAPDB (and just to clear the air, I also ask forgiveness for the things I've done you've blamed me for)-- send all letters of complaint to her at her blog if you so desire. (I have a message, messieurs, from the Opera Ghost.)
Yeah, people, it's pretty much all the fault of Alexandra. I call her Ally, because I kinda sorta really like her even though she's dragged me into all these obsessions that I would be so much saner without. I mean, she's hilarious and fun and a kindred spirit and pretty much just all-around awesome. Ever since I met her through blogging in October 2011 (over two years ago, sheesh!) I've wanted to be able to meet her in person.
Which is why I'm so, so excited about the fact that I'm going to be at her house exactly two months from today. (Impossible things are happening every day!) Because apparently, she kinda likes me too. At any rate, she invited me to come visit her for a week, and who could pass that up??? I ask you!
We are, obviously, really looking forward to this.
Here's to us! The toast of all the city, such a pity that the Phantom won't be there. We're going to have seven whole days together-- or perhaps I should say seven short days. Seven short days, oh there's so much to do... seven short days to have a lifetime of fun. And we'll be having fun, you bet. The silly, crazy kind, ya know?
We have all these plans that I'm SO looking forward to (she's going to show me SHERLOCK! SQUEEEEEE!) and I'm just sitting here being super, super excited. I have almost never felt like this-- I could say for once I'm lost for words, but I'm not really. :P I'm flying so high right now, defying gravity... let's just hope all our zany togetherness doesn't involve gerbils because something dangerous could happen. (My dad's allergic and my mom's murophobic-- it's a real thing.) But no matter what happens, this visit will be great, because there's no fight we cannot win. Do we fight for the right to a night at the opera now? *crash* He's HERE! The phantom of the operaaaaaaaa...
Okay, shutting up. If all those musical quotes haven't driven you away by now, I don't know what will.
The point of this post is to say that I'm going out to visit Ally (and by extension Belle and Alex, who happen to live in the same house-- hi, guys!) on February 11th, 2014, and that I'm doing a happy dance in my head because I'm so thrilled and excited about it.
All right, well, I suppose there's nothing left inside my head (everything that's left to say's been said) so I'll close this post.
And now there are only sixty-two days to wait-- yes, yes, I'm counting. Do you blame me?
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