"No coffee, thank you, for me -- never take coffee. A little tea, if you please."
-Miss Bates, Emma
But I digress before I even begin.
O Tea, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways, in a rambling and out-of-order form numbered only because I just used the phrase "count the ways" and not because I am actually ranking The Ways in any hierarchy of importance.
1. Thou art warm and comforting for any foul mood or stormy weather. Or when one is under the weather. That too.
2. Thou art beautiful to behold and come in a great variety of pretty colors, unlike thy ugly brother Coffee, who is one color without cream and one color with, and, by extension, incredibly boring.
3. Thou hast been proven over centuries to be the fuel of creativity, and thy praises sung by many great people, including Jane Austen, so there. (Tea is apparently drunk at least 58 times by various characters throughout her novels.)
5. Thou canst be served in lovely and delicate teacups, which are pleasing to the sight and beautiful in the eye of the beholder, and also collectible. (I currently have 17 in my bedroom alone, plus two mugs, one of which is decorative and one of which perpetually sits on my bedside table because I always forget to take it back down to the kitchen when it is empty.)
6. Thou art naturally free of calories, and that is a beautiful thing. Doctoring thee up with sugar and cream is the business of those who drink thee, and on their own heads be it if they decide to add to thee-- but on thine own thou art not a Guilty Pleasure and for that we salute thee.
7. Thou smellest SO GOOD. (And smellest is... not a word?) And thy fragrances are many and varied, and linger pleasingly in a manner much unlike old coffee, whose aroma becomes unwelcome with great haste after it has been consumed. (No, this post is not solely for the purpose of dissing coffee. :P)
8. Thou art such a companionable sort of treat to Share with a Friend.
9. Thou art easy to make-- seriously, all one needs is a stove, a kettle, water, and a teabag. Thou shalt not be sullied with water that has been microwaved, but everyone knows THAT. ;)
10. When thou art paired with a good book, truer happiness cannot be found, unless of course there is chocolate too.
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