The sure mark of an unliterary man is that he considers "I've read it already" to be a conclusive argument against reading a work.
~C.S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism
Okay, NOW I've returned to haunt you. Welcome back! The blog changes are somewhat self-explanatory, so I give you leave to poke about and see what you shall see.Back? All right, let's continue. Today I am going to talk about Plans for the New Year, although I don't intend this to really be a list of resolutions-- just plans for this blog in 2016.
On my to-read list for this year, in no particular order... (rereads starred)
All the Light We Cannot See
Wives and Daughters*
When Books Went to War
Rilla of Ingleside*
Gone with the Wind*
The Five Red Herrings
The Wilder Life
Pioneer Girl
I Am the Messenger
Ballet Shoes*
All Roads Lead to Austen: A Yearlong Journey with Jane
The Great Gatsby
Jane Eyre*
Lady Susan
The Grand Sophy
Ideally I'll write/ at least a few lines of review/reaction for each of those books, but the best-laid plans of mice and men...
And on my to-watch-and-hopefully-review-on-the-blog list...
Cinderella 2015*
The Paradise (BBC series)
Wives and Daughters*
Lark Rise to Candleford*
Under the Greenwood Tree
I hope you've been able to keep your seat during this riveting narrative... the rest of posts for the year won't all be like this, I promise. But it's fun to make lists in January, if for nothing else but to look back on them dismally in December and lament how little was accomplished. Heh.
What are you hoping to read and watch this year?
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