Every so often, even the very best of writers falls into what can only be described as a very prosaic "funk." Since I am not the very best of writers, I have the happy excuse of being able to fall into said funk a little bit more often than "every so."
Which is why I'm writing this post-- because I'm in one of those at the moment. In short, I'm in need of Stuff to Write About, which is why I'm resurrecting the Questions Post I did a while back. Yes, yes, I've obviously already done this, but it was over two years ago (sheeeeeeeeeesh...) and there are more of you know than there were then, and perhaps those of you who are newer have thought of something you'd like to ask me-- and perhaps those of you who are older than dirt have some yet-unanswered pieces of curiosity floating about, so at any rate we're playing the Questions Game again. (Oh, and if you want to see the answers to last time's game, they're here. To avoid duplicates and all that. Though of course it HAS been two years so if, just for fun, anyone wants to duplicate a question just to see if my answer's changed, that would be cool too.)
A post like this sort of feels like a cop-out because I have basically nothing to say except to ask YOU to ask me things, but... well, at the very least it'll give me subject matter for a post this time next week, and possibly even more to follow if I get Especially Inspired. So do please leave your questions in the comment box-- ask me anything you like! Anything you might have ever wondered about me, my blog, my hobbies, my pet peeves, whatever floats your boat. (I do reserve the right to skip over anything that I deem too personal, of course.) I'll write an Answer Post next week and endeavor to give satisfaction on all accounts.
...I said endeavor.
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