Dear Sherlock Holmes,
We've had a pretty great relationship, you and I. You were
Dear John Watson,
I was going to say just "Dear John," but thought that sounded a little too horrid, so I'm being formal. You're seriously the best character in the show. I'm not spoiling series 3 here for people who haven't seen it yet (nyah nyah :P) and I trust the rest of you won't do so in the comments, but let's just say you are the best friend I have ever seen in a TV show. Ever. That is, you do the best job of being a friend. And a husband. That hug (yes, that one) in His Last Vow... okay, I bawled. You're my favorite. Did I say that already? I'll say it again.
Dear Reichenbach Fall,
The who, the what, the why, the when, the where, the HOW. Don't inflict this kind of torture. (Put your theories in the comments, peoples. Seriously, share 'em. I want to know.) I'm going with the whole he-told-Anderson-because-he-knew-Anderson-would-doubt-that-it-was-the-truth-but-it-actually-was-so-he's-just-messing-with-Anderson-because-he's-Sherlock thing. But, you know, some confirmation would be nice... or perhaps I should say TELL ME, WAS I RIGHT?
Dear Moriarty,
It's raining, it's pouring, you're anything but boring. I didn't want to like a psychopathic criminal. (And don't try and tell me YOU'RE a high-functioning sociopath. Not buying it.) And I still don't really LIKE you... it's just that you're kind of one of my favorite characters, if that makes any sense. "Look at his face, Granny. Hasn't he got a cute little face?" "Wicked little face, if you ask me." Sooooo *highlight for SPOILERS* if you could in any possible way be Not Dead, that would please me very much. One more miracle, Moriarty. For the fans. Also, your lines are pretty much The Most Quotable Ever. Do you mind if I get that?
Dear Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss,
You guys are geniuses. Evil geniuses. Someday we're all going to be standing around a body and it'll be you two who put it there. Don't get me wrong, I love your show (and Mr. Gatiss, you make a rather awesome Mycroft) but the amount of emotional trauma I went through this Valentine's Day was not pretty. I spent almost the entire evening either in tears or totally in shock. Look, I have a blanket.
Dear Every Heartwarming Moment in Sherlock,
You were kind of desperately needed. Thanks for being there. No, you didn't do it wrong. Come here.
Dear Martha Finley,
I'll admit, I used to be a pretty big fan of the Elsie books. (Then I discovered Jane Austen and realized what trash I'd been reading.) Reader boredom aside, I think you had some serious familial/romantic issues. I mean, come on. Horace Dinsmore's an obsessive tyrant and Mr. Travilla's a creep and a half. Practically proposing to an eight-year-old? Really? And don't get me started on the whole Bromly-Edgerton-and-Elsie thing. If you're going to make your angelic heroine pull a complete Out Of Character stunt like that, you could at least make it interesting. Sheesh.
Dear Frozen,
Thanks for being my first movie theater experience-- for having wonderful songs, for being the most heartwarming sister story I've seen in an animated film, for having incredible animation and for being an all-around feel-good movie. (Could have done without some of the weirdness surrounding Elsa's powers, just sayin', but overall you were fantastic.) I was totally thrilled with the way you took a lot of the Disney stereotypes (the dumb ones) and stood them on their heads. (Hopefully they have skulls, or else that won't end well.) "Love is... putting someone else's needs before yours, like, you know, how Kristoff brought you back to Hans and left you forever." Speaking of which...
Dear Kristoff,
For the first time in forever, I fell in love with a Disney hero. Despite the fact that you're a bit of a fixer-upper. You're ranking right up there with Dug and Russell and Buzz and Jacques and Mater and Captain Hook on my Favorite Animated Characters list. It was about time for a realistic Disney guy. Seriously. (Sorry, Flynn fans. :P) Plus, you're also the sweetest character in the movie. I didn't fangirl in public. Of course not. ...Well, not LOUDLY, anyway.
Dear Katherine Reay,
It sounds too weird to say Dear Dear Mr. Knightley, so I'm addressing the author instead of the novel.) Your debut book is fighting its way to my Favorites of the Year list. Somehow you managed to combine an actually likable heroine with a ton of great book quotes and a hero who's half jerk and half awesome (okay, maybe the halves are a little less evenly distributed, if that makes any sense) in an EPISTOLARY FORMAT and make it all work and be fabulous. I loved it. People, go read Dear Mr. Knightley. (But I needed more closure at the ending. Gahhhhh.)
Dear Inside Jokes,
You're the best thing since tater tots. I love how you can take completely normal items and ideas and turn them into something completely hilarious. I will really never be able to look at cawing crows, olive oil, Pocahontas, my contacts list in Gmail (okay, so that's not a physical thing you can touch, but it's still THERE), Google Translate, hearts, Pinterest, the opening to Beethoven's Fifth, the name Martha or trench coats the same way ever again. (Apologies to everyone who read that paragraph and is now convinced that I'm certifiably insane.) *makes Moriarty face*
Dear blog readers,
Thanks for hanging in there while my blogging's been so sketchy lately... I'm hoping to get started reviewing movies again very soon! Any input as to what should be next? I just... I really don't know. Can't make up my mind. I'm shallying between Great Expectations (2011), Lark Rise to Candleford (Series 1), Little Women (1994) or Somewhere in Time (1980). Thoughts, peoples? Thanks so much!
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