Remember Masked?
That project I talked about back in October and have brought up occasionally on here since then, but haven't gone into a whole lot of detail about? Yeah, that one.
Turns out I've been working pretty steadily on it all this time, and it's getting pretty close to what they call actual production. That is, pre-production's almost over. Filming will begin soon. (Then comes post-production. Yip yop yoop. ...I have no idea what that means. It's supposed to be a Noise of Apprehension, I guess.)
But anyways! Things are progressing pretty well now and I'm pleased to inform you (if you didn't know already) that we've already cast almost all of the lead roles! We haven't announced all their names yet... there's one particular chap who's being kept in reserve as of now, muwahahaha... but if you're curious about the few who are Out and About already, here they are. (Just for fun, see if you can figure out who these characters' counterparts are in the novel, and leave a comment with your deductions. :D)
Alexandra Rovirosa is playing Margot James
Isabella Rovirosa is playing Suzanne James
Jacob Funke is playing Drew Ffoulkes
Kristian Jett is playing Angelo St. Cyr
Michael Reiser is playing Tony Dewhurst
Maggie O'Neal is playing Julie Denman
(Julie is a character with a difficult-to-discern counterpart, as she's a blend of several different novel characters, haha. So don't bother trying to figure hers out. ;))
Bonus puzzle-- the quote in the post title is an actual line from one of the scripts and it's spoken by one of the characters pictured here. Care to guess which one?
To read more about the cast and the creative team, visit our website (oh yeah! we have a website!) and check out the Cast & Creative page.
Also we're on Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook and Pinterest. Just so ya know.
...Yeah, this post is pretty shamelessly show-promoting. But if you've stuck with it until now, thank you muchly, and here's a tidbit of Interestingness at the end. Though most of our main roles are cast, we ARE still looking for at least two actors to play supporting roles... and we have a way in which you might be able to get involved, if you're interested. So go check out this post on The Day Dream. Seriously, go do it.
(Also, while I'm at the business of self-promoting, go check out all the spring stuff in my Etsy shop, too. Please. Because all the proceeds from that are going toward Masked. Worthy cause and all that. Just sayin'.)
(Also, I promise my next post on here will be an actual real thoughtful-and-intelligent piece of writing. Like, a review or something. Or a Musing. Or something remotely intellectual. But my brain's a little zapped right now. So I leave you.)
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