"But if you DID want to catch a man how would you go about it? I want to know," persisted Davy, for whom the subject evidently possessed a certain fascination.
"You'd better ask Mrs. Boulter," said Anne thoughtlessly. "I think it's likely she knows more about the process than I do."
"I will, the next time I see her," said Davy gravely.
"Davy! If you do!" cried Anne, realizing her mistake.
"But you just told me to," protested Davy, aggrieved.
"It's time you went to bed," decreed Anne, by way of getting out of the scrape.
~Anne of the Island
On this day of love (love!) and romance (romance!) and denial (augh! denial!), I wish to extend a hand of sympathy to all my fellow single sisters, struggling through life without a significant other by their side. You brave souls, you beacons of cold clear light in a sea of sentimental slop, you courageous warriors against all odds in this dark time that comes around every February... I salute you across the bonds of our fraternal (sisternal?) aloneness. May this pitiable, tragic state last as briefly as possible, and may we all find our other halves soon so our lives can finally begin.
In the meantime, I thought it would be helpful to compose a little handy-dandy helpful guide to getting a guy as quickly as possible. It hasn't worked for me yet, but maybe someone else can be helped. If just one girl can be redeemed from a life of singledom by these invaluable tips and tricks, then my blogging shall not be in vaaaaaaaaain.
{All images via Pinterest, except #3, which I made.}
1. Have fine eyes. This one has been proven time and time again, but seriously, all you have to do is blink at the guy across the room, and if he's The One, he will go head over heels for the Windows to your Soul and all that rot. Just go with it.
2. Let him fall in love with your stepsister first. Be patient. Eventually he'll realize she's shallower than a kiddie pool and realize it was actually you he wanted all along. (If he rides seven miles to bring you a wasp's nest, it's a deal-clincher. Nobody does that for no reason.) When this fact hits him over the head with all the subtlety of a two-by-four, accept his proposal graciously... but if you want to let him wallow and grovel and call himself an idiot for a little while, nobody will blame you.
4. Be rude to him time and time again over the years, repeatedly refuse his proposals, and call him names. He'll stick by you anyway. We're not sure why... maybe it's because smooching you is at least better than kissing his dog. (I'm sorry, that was probably crude. Hey, I didn't say 'filthy', did I now?)
5. Have a stupid younger brother who gets himself into trouble that Cute Guy will have to get him out of, thereby meeting you and falling hard.
6. Insult his business and the way he treats his workers. Then shake his hand. Don't forget to look beautiful. He won't know what hit him.
7. Tease him, pester him, and annoy him incessantly, but follow up with bearing his scolding and lecturing as no other woman in England would have done.
8. Rescue him from drowning when you were both children. When he inevitably runs into you ten years later, he will of course be completely smitten. Either the attraction of your amazingly well-developed personality stayed with him for all those years, or else he doesn't get out much and you're one of two women he knows who aren't his sisters. Pick your preference.
9. Fall deathly ill. Let him play courier and fetch your mommy so you'll feel better. Thank him and let him read you poetry. Boom, wedding.
11. If all else fails, flirt like crazy, steal the chap’s sword and let him chase after you for it, dance with him even when no one else is doing so, and generally make yourself annoyingly irresistible. Please note, this procedure may result in running away to Gretna Green and then getting shepherded back to London for an honorable marriage by your sweetheart’s stick-in-the-mud childhood friend who’s actually in love with your big sister. What a drag.
(This particular one was made by my best friend) |
...And if he's not out there? Then he's not, big whoop. Romantical love is a beautiful thing, but it's not the be-all, end-all of life. I mean, have you had dark chocolate?
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