Melody and me, performing a complicated dance routine known as Let's Cross Arms and Clasp Hands and Look Coordinated For a Picture. |
So I'm really, really late with my post commemorating three years of blogging.
In fact, it has now been three years and three weeks and two days. If anyone's counting. Which I bet you weren't. But if you're one of those people who wants accuracy at all times, it's been three years and three weeks and two days.
That's a little less than one-sixth of my life, which when you think about it is a pretty significant figure. As long as you ignore the fact that I'm only nineteen and hopefully have a lot more years ahead of me.
The point is that I've been blogging for rather a while now, and it's become rather a big part of my life, and you've all probably noticed by now that I tend to overuse the word "rather."
Belle, me and Ally posing against a February-snowy backdrop |
In the past I've written a blog post commemorating each anniversary (here and here) and of course if you want to see the original First Post I Ever Wrote On This Blog, you can go here. This year I was at somewhat of a loss as to what I should write about. I thought about sharing my favorite posts and whatnot of the last year, but then decided that was better suited to New Year's. I thought about sharing stats, but though we're currently clocking in at 405 followers (WHAAAAAAAT) and about 477,000 pageviews at the time of this writing, with "Defending Mr. Darcy" STILL the most popular post of all time, there isn't really enough information in the stats to make for a worthwhile anniversary post. Plus, it would be boring.
So I thought and thought and took a few breaks to rest my brain because thinking is hard work, y'all, and thought some more and took a few more breaks, and finally decided to kinda-sorta copy my post from last year, but not really because I'm taking the same topic in a different direction. Last year I talked about friendships and all the lovely people I'd met through blogging and how much fun it was, and blah blah blah. Today I want to dig a little deeper and talk about how much my life has changed through the friends I've met through blogging.
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Petie and me, getting our drama on |
None of these things happened. Obviously.
Melody and me, telling all our most appalling secrets |
The closest real life came to my imaginings is depicted in the third scenario. That is to say, people found my blog (generally after I found theirs and left comments, and they'd come along to take a look at mine because they were nice that way), and they left comments and said friendly things, and I did the same on theirs, and before you knew it, I was actually emailing some of them (Melody, to begin with, and others soon after) and then bam, one day I realized I wasn't thinking of these people as "blogging friends," but just... you know... friends.
With Emma, Alex, Addy, Belle and Ally, at the end of a cutthroat, late-night, beyond-crazy Apples to Apples tournament. |
I've never liked change. Not much, anyway. I like things to stay the way they always were. I look back on memories with a lot of bittersweet nostalgia. I don't like to think about how the past is in the past and can't be un-past. (Wait, that makes no sense...) I was reminiscing with Melody, when she was here a few weeks ago, about the "good old days" in the blogging world, when our little circle of friends posted quite regularly and had long-drawn-out comment wars and fangirled excessively over that BBC Radio broadcast of My Fair Lady. (See here and here. Good times, y'all.)
During the past year a friend of mine was dealing with a difficult and sad event in her life. When she told me about it, I cried over it. Um, a lot. (I tend to cry over things. One of my friend's sisters referred to me once as "the girl who likes sad movies." Heh.) In the midst of my angst (I'm good at angst), I remember asking myself why I was letting this affect me so much. It wasn't my problem, after all. It wasn't even my business, beyond the fact that my friend had chosen to confide in me.
And yet that's what friendship's about. It's about other people's problems being your problems. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with those who weep, and all that. It's about being there for people-- for people you might not have known three years ago. It's about trying to understand others, and being oh-so-grateful that they understand you. It's about accepting change and moving through it and being all the stronger for the problems you've faced. It's about sending hugs when they're needed and knowing when to say you're sorry and calling people on the phone just to hear the sound of their voice. It's about love, when you get right down to it.
P.S. Couldn't end this post on too sad and sentimental of a note. Here's Ally, Joey, Emma, me and Prissy being frogs. Please enjoy what will now probably be my last blog post before Ally kills me for putting this picture up. Farewell, my friends, I go on to a better place.
"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "To." "To who?" "NO. TO WHOM." |
But nothing stays exactly the same forever. (Okay, maybe Gilbert Blythe doesn't change-- that's the least he can promise you-- but he's the exception that proves the rule.) And my little blogging circle hasn't stayed the same either. People have grown up. Gotten jobs. Gone to college. Acted in plays. Written books. Gotten engaged and even married. (Wut.) Gone through incredibly rough times. Suffered heartbreak and loss and tragedy. Made it through all of the above. (People are, in general, tougher than they look.)
Over the last couple of years I've gotten very close to a few of my blogging friends (whom I'd now call my best friends :D) and with closeness comes sharing. Sharing of joys and griefs and difficulties and sticky situations. With closeness also comes friction at times-- much as you'd like to think you have the most perfect friendship in the world, nothing in this life is absolutely and entirely perfect, and sometimes people disagree and argue and have to deal with tension between them. In the last few months in particular I've come to realize (not that I didn't before; but to a greater degree, now) that friendship is no bed of roses. Tears are not always happy ones.
Petie and I are fabulous majestic beings who live in constant glamour and sophistication. Sometimes. |
And yet that's what friendship's about. It's about other people's problems being your problems. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with those who weep, and all that. It's about being there for people-- for people you might not have known three years ago. It's about trying to understand others, and being oh-so-grateful that they understand you. It's about accepting change and moving through it and being all the stronger for the problems you've faced. It's about sending hugs when they're needed and knowing when to say you're sorry and calling people on the phone just to hear the sound of their voice. It's about love, when you get right down to it.
I find it ironic that the poster behind Ally's and my heads says "Keep Calm and Carry On"-- a sentiment we do not live out when we're together and squealing about everything. :P |
(Drat. I'm tearing up writing this. Even with all the goofy pictures illustrating the post. Ha.)
In 2011 I never could have imagined the relationships I'd be forging over the next three years. I never could have imagined the laughter and nonsense and millions upon millions of written words (seriously not even kidding there), and the late-night chatting and worrying and crying and caring I'd be doing. Sheesh, I was hoping to get a pen-pal out of the whole deal, at most. I wasn't signing up for what looks like it's going to be a lifetime of friendship, and all the baggage that goes along with that.
It just goes to show that you should be careful what you wish for. And that the Lord's plans are better than yours-- because I wouldn't trade what I have, the people I have, the roles they play in my life and (I hope) I in theirs, for anything in this world.
Thank you, all of you, for being my friends.
Melody and I share a less staged spin. :D |
P.S. Couldn't end this post on too sad and sentimental of a note. Here's Ally, Joey, Emma, me and Prissy being frogs. Please enjoy what will now probably be my last blog post before Ally kills me for putting this picture up. Farewell, my friends, I go on to a better place.
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